mkay. So it's 1:04am, and I decided to write this because I cannot sleep, I have just stuffed my face with Cabury's Caramel Chocolate, and each chunk contains 40 Calories, and I've eaten 32 chunks, so all together I've eaten 1280 Calories. CRIKEY! Ima hava fattass!
Aimee eating chocolate...
Aimee the morning after eating 1280 Calories.
Look at the shock on her face, as if she didn't realise it was the chocolate. Her face is like.
"Holy mofo, maybe the labels wrong, nope size 42, okay, maybe if I just breathe in a little, Oh shit, there goes the button...
Aimee after diet.
On a serious note, I promise you I typed in Female body Builder. Now tell me that you don't think that's a man. I don't mean to offend that person out there but honestly, it's a hard one.. brilliant choice of words there.
If you're still are still reading this, and I haven't bored you or made you fall asleep, then things are going good. haha!
On another serious note. I really enjoy writing this blog, even if many people do not read it because it's like keeping a diary or Journal online, and it's much easier. Although there are some things I would love to put down but being over the internet makes it seem a nit risky. I sometimes would love to add more of my true feelings on a subject because if people are reading that's what I think they deserve. Also to add I know I have a few people reading this so I you could do a few things for me. (:
1.) Comment. - It doesn't take too long, comment on my blogs, photos, or the comment oage I've created.
2.) Pass my website on - Show your friends, family, anyone, everyone commenting on the blog, and comment page helps support me.
3.) Create your own - If you fee inspired, make your own website, I will then add you.
4.) Be Kind - t's hard trying to gain an audience, or get peoples attention, with something like a blog, so please show some kindness and don't let people write mean things. No one likes a bully.
5.) + Thank You for reading - I really do enjoy writing for you.
Peaceeee x