Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Live Chat

Hello, To all of my viewers with a webcam/microphone or without :)
Join me on my webchat. I will be posting on here a date and time when I will be on it :D

Please try it :)
Think it will be fun

Friday, 1 October 2010

La de daaa...

Okay, So I've heard a few people read my blog which is amazing. I am so happy to hear that because I actually started doing this like a diary just for fun. :) and I'm happy to continue :)
Please feel free to leave comments, and just mention any ideas you would like me to put on my blog, prehaps you want me to promote a photograph, or video, your own blog. let me know :) xxx


So hello :)  change of font, wahooo...
I know I need to add more of my photographs on here. I am currently working hard at school, but when I get the time I will most deffinately be updating my blog and making it more modern and colourful.
But blahh about that, I actually don't have much to say, if you read this by tomorrow, I will have photographs up and write about something better hahah..
Thank you guys :)

Oh p.s mwahhhh
I'm obsessed with ....
create one and ask me for my URL :D

Twilight Saga

Okay, so I was just watching Twilight, and I started thinking to myself about the mean comments people say about Kristen Stewart.
 I don't actually think she's a bad actress, when I was watching Twilight, I really felt the emotions she was going through. In New Moon, when Aro goes to kill Edward, she screams "Stop this, please" in a really screechy panicky voice, I really believed every emotion she was displaying.

Ha I know that's a boring subject, I just wanted to mention it :)

Peace xxx